MEAT the beast

Hailing from parts unknown, Tablebeast was born in a briar patch during the winter of 1978. After a difficult birth, he came out upside-down. He has been doing things backwards ever since. 

After a youth spent exploring the many reaches of his creativity, with disciplines including: illustrating, filmmaking, circuit-bending, record producing, and tube amp designing/building, The Savage Inker has returned to his roots of drawing! The mediums he works in are vast and include many tools that he decries the use of. His favorite is, of course, ink on paper.

Now you can enjoy his art at home by yourself via his printed publications. Published art is not for sale. It is only available in limited editions as a book, print or part of a collection. The only originals available to the public are the hand drawn covers and trading cards that accompany them.

patronIZE the beast

How can you help make sure that more wonderful stuff is brought out into the world from the depths Tablebeast's mind? You can donate or buy stuff of course! Tablebeast accepts most forms of currency.

know the beast

Check out Tablebeast's virtual art gallery, online videos, and then if all else fails you can contact him directly.